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2024 Fulfilling the Promise Awards

Honoring the People Making a Difference at AHRC Nassau TODAY

As we continue the important work begun 75 years ago, we honor those among us who exemplify the dedication, innovation, and compassion needed to drive meaningful change.  By Monday, Nov. 4, at 11:59 p.m. ET, nominate a person or organization making a difference in our community for one of the five awards!  Award recipients will be honored at the Annual Membership Meeting on Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. in Brookville.


1.) Youth Leadership Award: Recognizes a young person (grammar-, middle-, or high-school student) who has shown exceptional leadership and initiative in their efforts to support AHRC’s mission or to make a difference in the community.

2.) Outstanding Volunteer Award: Honors a volunteer (with at least one year of service) who has shown exceptional dedication and commitment to supporting AHRC’s programs and initiatives.

3.) Spirit of Innovation Award: Honors an individual or group that has introduced innovative ideas or practices that have significantly enhanced AHRC’s ability to achieve its mission.

4.) Corporate Leadership Award: Acknowledges an organization or business that has made a significant contribution to AHRC Nassau, either through financial support or partnership opportunities.

5.) Heart of the Community Award: Celebrates a person whose kindness, generosity, and positive spirit have made a profound difference in the life of another or in the community.